Moonlight Black Cardinal and Imperial Red The Vibrant Philodendrons

Moonlight Black Cardinal and Imperial Red The Vibrant Philodendrons

Moonlight Black Cardinal and Imperial Red The Vibrant Philodendrons

Introducing the Moonlight Black Cardinal and Imperial Red Philodendrons – the most vibrant and stunning plants you’ll ever see!

Experience the beauty: These unique plants boast deep, dark leaves that appear black in low light and turn a stunning shade of red when exposed to bright sunlight.

Add a touch of elegance: Whether you’re a seasoned plant enthusiast or just starting your collection, these Philodendrons will add a touch of sophistication and elegance to any space.

Low maintenance, high impact: The Moonlight Black Cardinal and Imperial Red Philodendrons are not only visually captivating, but they’re also easy to care for. Perfect for busy individuals or first-time plant owners.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to own these extraordinary plants that will undoubtedly elevate your home or office decor. Order your Moonlight Black Cardinal and Imperial Red Philodendrons today!

Exploring Philodendron Black Cardinal

The Philodendron Black Cardinal is a striking and vibrant plant that will add a touch of elegance to any space. With its lush, dark foliage and unique coloring, this plant is sure to catch the eye and become a conversation piece.

One of the most intriguing features of the Black Cardinal is its rich, dark black leaves. As the plant matures, the leaves take on a deep, almost black color that is truly mesmerizing. This dramatic coloring makes the Black Cardinal stand out among other philodendron varieties.

Not only is the Black Cardinal visually stunning, but it is also a relatively easy plant to care for. It thrives in indirect light, so it is perfect for any room in your home or office. The plant requires moderate watering, allowing the top inch of soil to dry out before watering again.

As with any philodendron, the Black Cardinal is known for its air-purifying properties. It helps to filter toxins from the air, creating a healthier environment for you and your loved ones. Additionally, the Black Cardinal is an excellent choice for those who have pets, as it is non-toxic to cats and dogs.

If you’re looking to add a touch of elegance and sophistication to your space, the Philodendron Black Cardinal is the perfect choice. Its stunning black leaves, easy care requirements, and air-purifying abilities make it a standout plant that is sure to enhance any room.

Differences Between Black Cardinal and Similar Varieties

When it comes to stunning foliage, Moonlight Black Cardinal and Imperial Red The Vibrant Philodendrons stand out from the crowd. These unique varieties of Philodendron are known for their deep black or vibrant red leaves, making them a striking addition to any indoor or outdoor space.

However, there are some key differences between the Black Cardinal and similar varieties that you should be aware of before making your selection:

1. Leaf Color: The most noticeable difference between Black Cardinal and other Philodendron varieties is its leaf color. The Black Cardinal has deep, almost black leaves, while other varieties may have lighter or variegated foliage.

2. Plant Size: While both Black Cardinal and similar varieties can grow to be quite large, the Black Cardinal tends to have a more compact and upright growth habit. This makes it a great choice for smaller spaces or as a focal point in a larger arrangement.

3. Leaf Shape: Another distinguishing feature of the Black Cardinal is its unique heart-shaped leaves. While some other Philodendron varieties may have similar leaf shapes, the Black Cardinal’s leaves are typically wider and more elongated.

4. Care Requirements: Like all Philodendrons, both Black Cardinal and similar varieties are relatively easy to care for. They thrive in bright, indirect light and prefer a well-draining soil. However, it’s important to note that different varieties may have slightly different watering or fertilizing needs, so be sure to research specific care instructions for the variety you choose.

If you’re looking to add a touch of elegance and drama to your indoor or outdoor space, both Moonlight Black Cardinal and Imperial Red The Vibrant Philodendrons are excellent choices. Consider the unique differences between these varieties to find the one that best suits your style and space.

Care and Maintenance of Black Cardinal

Proper care and maintenance are essential for the health and growth of Moonlight Black Cardinal Philodendron. Follow these guidelines to ensure your plant thrives:

  1. Light: Place your Black Cardinal Philodendron in a location with bright, indirect light. Avoid direct sunlight, as it can burn the foliage.
  2. Watering: Water your plant regularly, keeping the soil lightly moist. During the growing season (spring and summer), water more frequently, allowing the top inch of soil to dry between waterings. In winter, reduce watering and allow the soil to dry out slightly between waterings.
  3. Humidity: Black Cardinal Philodendrons thrive in high humidity. To increase humidity, place a tray of water near the plant or use a humidifier. Misting the leaves occasionally can also help.
  4. Temperature: Maintain a temperature range of 65-85°F (18-29°C) for your Black Cardinal Philodendron. Avoid placing it in drafty areas or near cold windows.
  5. Fertilizer: Feed your plant with a balanced liquid fertilizer every 2-4 weeks during the growing season. Follow the instructions on the fertilizer packaging for the correct dosage.
  6. Pruning: Prune your Black Cardinal Philodendron regularly to remove dead or yellowing leaves. This will encourage new growth and maintain a compact shape.
  7. Potting: Repot your plant every 1-2 years using a well-draining potting mix. Choose a pot slightly larger than the current one to allow room for growth.
  8. Pests: Keep an eye out for common houseplant pests such as spider mites, mealybugs, and aphids. If infested, treat the plant with an appropriate insecticide or by gently washing the leaves with soapy water.

By following these care and maintenance tips, your Moonlight Black Cardinal Philodendron will continue to impress with its vibrant foliage and thrive in your indoor space. Among the vibrant varieties, don’t miss the striking Philodendron Rugosum, a hidden gem in our collection.

Unique Characteristics of Black Cardinal

The Black Cardinal is a unique and stunning variety of the Philodendron plant. It is highly prized for its dark and velvety leaves that have a vibrant shade of black. Here are some of the distinguishing characteristics of the Black Cardinal:

  • Deep Black Leaves: The Black Cardinal is known for its deep, dark leaves that are almost black in color. This makes it a standout plant and adds a touch of elegance to any indoor space.
  • Vibrant Red Undersides: One of the most striking features of the Black Cardinal is the vibrant red undersides of its leaves. When the leaves are illuminated, the red color shines through, creating a beautiful contrast with the black foliage.
  • Heart-Shaped Leaves: The leaves of the Black Cardinal are heart-shaped, adding a touch of romance to its overall appearance. The unique shape of the leaves adds visual interest and makes this variety even more desirable.
  • Tolerant of Low Light: Unlike many other dark-leaved plants, the Black Cardinal is surprisingly tolerant of low light conditions. This makes it a perfect choice for those who want to add a touch of drama to their indoor environment but have limited natural light.
  • Easy to Care for: Despite its exotic appearance, the Black Cardinal is relatively easy to care for. It thrives in average room temperatures and prefers to be kept moist but not overly wet. Regular watering and occasional fertilization will help it to grow and stay healthy.

With its unique characteristics and stunning appearance, the Black Cardinal is a must-have for any plant enthusiast or those looking to bring a touch of elegance to their indoor space.

Understanding Philodendron Imperial Red

Philodendron Imperial Red is a stunning variety of Philodendron plant that is known for its vibrant red foliage. It is a popular choice among plant enthusiasts and collectors due to its striking appearance and easy care requirements.

The leaves of Philodendron Imperial Red are heart-shaped and have a glossy, deep red color that intensifies as the plant matures. The vibrant foliage adds a pop of color to any indoor space or garden and instantly grabs attention.

This tropical plant is native to tropical rainforests and thrives in warm and humid environments. It is important to provide it with indirect sunlight and keep the soil moist, but not waterlogged. Philodendron Imperial Red is a relatively low-maintenance plant and can tolerate some neglect, making it a great choice for beginners.

Philodendron Imperial Red can be propagated through stem cuttings, making it easy to grow and expand your collection. It can also be grown in hanging baskets or trained to climb up supports, allowing for versatility in displaying this stunning plant.

Lighting Watering Care Level
Indirect sunlight Regular watering, soil should be moist but not waterlogged Easy

Overall, Philodendron Imperial Red is a beautiful and easy-to-care-for plant that can enhance the aesthetic appeal of any space. Whether you are a seasoned plant enthusiast or a beginner, this vibrant Philodendron variety is sure to impress.

What is Imperial Red Philodendron?

The Imperial Red Philodendron is a stunning plant with vibrant red leaves that can bring a touch of tropical beauty to any space. With its deep red coloration, this cultivar of the Philodendron is a standout in any collection.

The Imperial Red Philodendron is a part of the Araceae family, which includes other popular houseplants like the Monstera and the Pothos. It is native to the tropical forests of South America and thrives in warm and humid climates.

One of the key features of the Imperial Red Philodendron is its ability to purify the air in your home. Like other plants in the Philodendron genus, it has been found to remove harmful chemicals like formaldehyde and benzene from the air, improving the overall air quality.

This particular cultivar of Philodendron has large, glossy leaves that are a deep red color. The leaves start out a vibrant green and slowly transition to their signature red hue as they mature. The contrasting colors make the Imperial Red Philodendron a visually striking plant that will surely be a focal point in any room.

The Imperial Red Philodendron is a relatively easy plant to care for, making it a great choice for both experienced plant enthusiasts and beginners. It thrives in bright, indirect light and should be watered thoroughly when the top inch of soil feels dry to the touch.

To keep the Imperial Red Philodendron looking its best, it is important to provide it with a well-draining potting mix and to fertilize it regularly during the growing season. Pruning is also recommended to maintain its shape and stimulate new growth.

Whether you’re a seasoned plant collector or just starting your indoor gardening journey, the Imperial Red Philodendron is a must-have addition to your collection. Its stunning red leaves, air-purifying abilities, and relatively easy care make it a standout choice for any plant lover.

Key Features of Imperial Red Philodendron
Glossy, deep red leaves
Air-purifying abilities
Relatively easy to care for
Thrives in bright, indirect light

Is Philodendron Imperial Red a Climber or Crawler?

Philodendron Imperial Red, as the name suggests, is a variety of Philodendron plant renowned for its vibrant red color. But is it a climbing or crawling plant?

Philodendron Imperial Red falls into the category of climbing plants. With its long, aerial roots and flexible stems, this plant has the ability to climb trees or other vertical surfaces. It uses its aerial roots to attach itself to its support and then grows upwards, reaching for the sun.

However, it’s important to note that Philodendron Imperial Red can also be trained to grow as a crawler. If provided with a horizontal surface, such as a trellis or moss pole, it will spread its foliage and create a stunning, cascading effect. This versatility makes it a popular choice for plant enthusiasts who are looking for a plant that can adapt to various growing conditions.

Whether you choose to let your Philodendron Imperial Red climb or crawl, it will add a touch of elegance and vibrancy to any indoor or outdoor space. Its deep red leaves contrast beautifully with its lush green foliage, creating an eye-catching display.

To care for your Philodendron Imperial Red, make sure to provide it with bright, indirect light, moderate humidity, and well-draining soil. Regular watering and occasional fertilization will help keep your plant healthy and thriving.

Characteristics Climbing Crawling
Leaf Color Deep red Deep red
Support Needed Vertical Horizontal
Growth Habit Upright Trailing

Whichever way you choose to grow your Philodendron Imperial Red, it will surely make a bold statement in your botanical collection. Its unique coloring and versatile growth habit make it a standout choice for any plant lover.

Identifying and Caring for Philodendron Imperial Red

The Philodendron Imperial Red is a stunning plant that adds a vibrant touch of color to any space. With its deep, glossy leaves in shades of red and green, it is sure to catch the eye and become a focal point in your home or office.

To properly care for your Philodendron Imperial Red, it is important to understand its specific needs. This plant thrives in bright, indirect light, so place it near a window where it can receive ample sunlight. Avoid exposing it to direct sunlight as it can scorch the leaves.

Like most Philodendrons, the Imperial Red prefers well-draining soil. Use a potting mix specifically designed for tropical plants to ensure proper moisture retention and drainage. Water your plant when the top inch of soil feels dry to the touch, being careful not to overwater as this can lead to root rot.

Philodendron Imperial Red is also tolerant of different humidity levels, making it a versatile choice for various environments. However, it will appreciate higher humidity, so misting the leaves occasionally or placing the pot on a tray filled with water and pebbles can help create a more favorable environment.

When it comes to fertilizing, use a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer once a month during the growing season (spring and summer). This will provide the necessary nutrients to support healthy foliage growth and vibrant coloration.

Regular grooming is important for maintaining the appearance of your Philodendron Imperial Red. Remove any dead or yellowing leaves by gently pulling them off the plant. Prune back leggy stems to promote a bushier growth habit, if desired.

In conclusion, the Philodendron Imperial Red is a beautiful and low-maintenance plant that will bring life and color to your space. By providing it with the right light, soil, water, and attention, you can enjoy its stunning foliage for years to come.

Discovering Philodendron Moonlight

The Philodendron Moonlight is a stunning tropical plant that is highly sought after by plant enthusiasts worldwide. With its vibrant foliage and easy care requirements, it is the perfect addition to any home or garden.

Featuring vibrant green leaves that transition to a bright yellow color, the Moonlight adds a touch of tropical elegance to any space. Its compact and upright growth habit makes it an ideal choice for smaller spaces, such as apartments or offices.

One of the standout features of the Moonlight is its ability to thrive in low light conditions, making it an excellent choice for indoor gardening. It can tolerate a wide range of light levels, from full shade to bright indirect light, making it a versatile plant for any room in your home.

In addition to its stunning foliage, the Moonlight is also air-purifying, meaning it can filter out harmful toxins from the air, helping to create a healthier indoor environment. This makes it an excellent choice for those who suffer from allergies or asthma.

Caring for the Moonlight is relatively easy. It prefers to be kept in well-draining soil and should be watered when the top inch of soil feels dry to the touch. Avoid overwatering as this can lead to root rot. Regular fertilization during the growing season will help promote healthy growth and vibrant foliage.

Whether you’re a seasoned plant enthusiast or just starting your indoor gardening journey, the Philodendron Moonlight is a must-have for any collection. Its stunning foliage, easy care requirements, and air-purifying abilities make it a true standout among tropical plants.

Is Philodendron Moonlight a Hybrid?

Philodendron Moonlight is not a hybrid plant. It is a cultivar of the Philodendron genus, which means that it is a cultivated variety that has been selected and bred for specific traits. While it may have been developed through selective breeding, it is not the result of cross-breeding different species or varieties of plants.

The Philodendron Moonlight is known for its striking foliage, featuring bright yellow-green leaves that gradually darken as the plant matures. Its vibrant color and unique shape make it a popular choice for indoor and outdoor gardens alike.

Unlike hybrid plants, which are created by cross-pollinating two different species or varieties, the Philodendron Moonlight is propagated through other methods such as stem cuttings or tissue culture. This ensures that each plant retains the same characteristics as the parent plant.

So if you’re looking for a stunning plant to add to your collection, the Philodendron Moonlight is a great choice. Its vibrant colors and easy care requirements make it a beautiful and low-maintenance addition to any space.

Growing and Caring for Philodendron Moonlight

The Philodendron Moonlight, with its stunning colors of black cardinal and imperial red, is a vibrant and eye-catching plant that can bring a touch of exotic beauty to any room or garden. However, to ensure that your Philodendron Moonlight thrives and retains its vibrant colors, it is important to provide the proper care and attention.

Light: Philodendron Moonlight prefers bright, indirect light. Avoid exposing the plant to direct sunlight, as it can burn the leaves. Place it near a window with filtered light or in a spot where it gets bright but indirect light.

Watering: It is essential to keep the soil of your Philodendron Moonlight consistently moist but not soggy. Water the plant when the top 1-2 inches of soil feel dry to the touch. Be careful not to overwater, as this can lead to root rot. Allow any excess water to drain out of the pot to prevent water buildup.

Temperature: Philodendron Moonlight thrives in temperatures between 65-85°F (18-29°C). Avoid exposing the plant to extreme cold or hot temperatures, as it can damage the leaves and overall health of the plant.

Fertilizing: Feed your Philodendron Moonlight with a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer once a month during the growing season (spring and summer). Follow the instructions on the fertilizer package for the proper dilution and application.

Pruning: To maintain the vibrant colors and promote healthy growth, occasional pruning may be necessary. Prune any yellow or dead leaves to ensure energy is directed towards new growth. You can also pinch back the tips of the plant to encourage bushier growth.

Potting: Repot your Philodendron Moonlight every 1-2 years, or when the roots start to outgrow the pot. Use a well-draining potting mix and choose a container with drainage holes to prevent waterlogging.

Pests and Diseases: Philodendron Moonlight is generally resistant to pests and diseases. However, common houseplant pests, such as spider mites and mealybugs, can infest the plant. Regularly inspect your plant for any signs of pests and take appropriate measures, such as using insecticidal soap or neem oil, to eliminate them.

With proper care and attention, your Philodendron Moonlight will continue to dazzle with its vibrant colors and add a touch of exotic beauty to your home or garden.

Unique Traits and Rarity of Philodendron Moonlight

Philodendron Moonlight, also known as Moonlight Black Cardinal and Imperial Red The Vibrant Philodendrons, is a truly unique and rare plant that is quickly gaining popularity among plant enthusiasts.

One of the most striking traits of Philodendron Moonlight is its vibrant and eye-catching colors. The leaves of this plant have a deep black cardinal hue with hints of imperial red, giving it a luxurious and elegant appearance. The contrast of the dark foliage against the bright red veins creates a mesmerizing effect that is sure to capture the attention of anyone who sees it.

Another remarkable trait of Philodendron Moonlight is its easy care and low maintenance requirements. This plant is known for being resilient and adaptable, making it suitable for both beginners and experienced plant owners. It thrives in various lighting conditions, from bright indirect light to low light, making it an excellent choice for homes and offices with different lighting setups.

Furthermore, the rarity of Philodendron Moonlight adds to its allure. It is not a commonly found plant, making it highly sought after by plant enthusiasts and collectors. The scarcity of this plant makes it a valuable addition to any collection, and its uniqueness is sure to impress.

To showcase the beauty and uniqueness of Philodendron Moonlight, we have prepared a table summarizing its key traits:

Traits Description
Color Deep black cardinal hue with hints of imperial red
Maintenance Easy care and low maintenance requirements
Lighting Thrives in various lighting conditions
Rarity Highly sought after and valuable addition to any collection

If you’re looking for a truly unique and rare plant that will make a statement in your space, Philodendron Moonlight is the perfect choice. Its vibrant colors, low maintenance requirements, and rarity make it a treasure for any plant lover.

General Insights and Comparisons

When it comes to vibrant and eye-catching plants, the Moonlight Black Cardinal and Imperial Red Philodendrons are at the top of the list. Both of these varieties are known for their stunning foliage that adds a touch of elegance to any space.

The Moonlight Black Cardinal Philodendron features dark, glossy leaves that shimmer under light. The deep black color creates a striking contrast against the surrounding greenery. With its distinctive appearance, this plant instantly becomes a focal point in any room.

On the other hand, the Imperial Red Philodendron showcases a rich, deep red hue that is truly captivating. The leaves have a velvety texture, making them even more alluring. This plant adds an element of sophistication to any corner it graces.

While both the Moonlight Black Cardinal and Imperial Red Philodendrons are visually stunning, they also bring some unique characteristics to the table.

  • The Moonlight Black Cardinal Philodendron is known for its air-purifying qualities. It helps to remove harmful toxins from the air, making it an excellent choice for those who want to improve indoor air quality.
  • The Imperial Red Philodendron, on the other hand, is prized for its low-maintenance nature. It thrives in a variety of conditions and is tolerant of neglect, making it perfect for busy individuals.

When it comes to care, both varieties have similar requirements. They prefer bright indirect light and well-draining soil. Regular watering, allowing the soil to dry out slightly between waterings, is essential to keep these plants happy.

Whether you choose the Moonlight Black Cardinal or the Imperial Red Philodendron, you can be sure that you are getting a showstopper that will add beauty and elegance to your home or office. These plants are not only visually striking, but they also offer unique qualities that set them apart from other varieties. So, why settle for ordinary when you can have extraordinary?

Varietal Differences and Similarities

The Moonlight Black Cardinal and Imperial Red Philodendrons are two vibrant varieties of the popular Philodendron plant. While they may have different colorings, they share many similarities in terms of care and growth habits.

The Moonlight Black Cardinal has striking deep green leaves with a velvety texture, while the Imperial Red variety features rich burgundy foliage. Both varieties are known for their bold and vibrant colors, making them eye-catching additions to any indoor space.

When it comes to care, both the Moonlight Black Cardinal and Imperial Red require similar conditions. They thrive in moderate to bright indirect light and prefer well-draining soil. These varieties are relatively easy to care for and are known to be relatively resilient against common pests and diseases.

For watering, it is important to keep the soil slightly moist but not overly saturated. Both varieties prefer to partially dry out between watering sessions. Overwatering can lead to root rot and other issues, so it’s important to monitor the moisture levels closely.

In terms of growth habits, the Moonlight Black Cardinal and Imperial Red have similar tendencies. They are both climbers and will benefit from the support of a moss pole or trellis. Regular pruning will help encourage fuller growth and maintain the desired shape.

In conclusion, while the Moonlight Black Cardinal and Imperial Red Philodendrons may have different colorings, they are similar in terms of care and growth habits. Whether you choose the deep green of the Moonlight Black Cardinal or the burgundy foliage of the Imperial Red, both varieties will bring vibrancy and beauty to your indoor garden.

Rarity and Value of Different Philodendrons

Philodendrons are known for their beauty and lush foliage, but did you know that there are different varieties with varying rarities and values? Let’s explore some of the rare and valuable philodendrons:

1. Moonlight Black Cardinal: This philodendron is characterized by its deep, dark foliage that almost appears black. It is a highly sought-after variety due to its unique coloration. The Moonlight Black Cardinal is considered rare and valuable in the world of philodendrons.

2. Imperial Red: The Imperial Red philodendron is known for its striking red leaves and vibrant appearance. It is a popular variety among collectors and enthusiasts. Its rarity and value make it a prized addition to any philodendron collection.

3. The Vibrant Philodendrons: These philodendrons come in a range of colors, including shades of green, pink, and even purple. Their vibrant and eye-catching foliage makes them highly sought after by plant lovers. These philodendrons are considered valuable additions to any indoor garden or collection.

In conclusion, the rarity and value of different philodendrons can vary. The Moonlight Black Cardinal, Imperial Red, and Vibrant Philodendrons are examples of some highly sought-after and valuable varieties. Adding these philodendrons to your collection will not only enhance your indoor space but also increase the value and beauty of your plant collection.

Sunlight Requirements and Growth Patterns

The Moonlight Black Cardinal and Imperial Red Philodendrons thrive in bright, indirect sunlight. They prefer to be placed in a location with filtered or dappled sunlight, away from direct sunlight that can cause their leaves to burn or discolor.

These vibrant plants are known for their quick growth patterns, but they can also adapt to lower light conditions. However, it’s important to note that their growth may slow down in such conditions.

To maintain the health and vibrant color of these philodendrons, it’s recommended to provide them with at least 6-8 hours of bright, indirect sunlight every day. It’s best to place them near a north or east-facing window where they can receive the required amount of sunlight without being exposed to harsh afternoon sun.

When it comes to growth patterns, these philodendrons are climbers by nature. They have aerial roots that allow them to attach themselves to trees or other support structures, enabling them to reach impressive heights. If you’re planning to grow them indoors, providing a trellis or moss pole for support will help them grow in an upright and aesthetically pleasing manner.

As they grow, you may need to provide them with occasional pruning to shape and control their size. Regularly removing dead or yellowing leaves will also promote healthy growth and maintain the overall appearance of the plants.

In summary, the Moonlight Black Cardinal and Imperial Red Philodendrons require bright, indirect sunlight for their vibrant growth. They are climbers, so providing them with a support structure will help them achieve their full potential. With proper care and attention to their sunlight requirements, these philodendrons will thrive and add beauty to any space they are placed in.


What is included in the package of Moonlight Black Cardinal and Imperial Red The Vibrant Philodendrons?

The package includes two vibrant philodendron plants – Moonlight Black Cardinal and Imperial Red.

What are the growth requirements for Moonlight Black Cardinal and Imperial Red The Vibrant Philodendrons?

Moonlight Black Cardinal and Imperial Red philodendrons require bright indirect light, well-draining soil, and regular watering.

Can Moonlight Black Cardinal and Imperial Red The Vibrant Philodendrons be planted outdoors?

No, these vibrant philodendrons are best suited for indoor cultivation.

How often should I water Moonlight Black Cardinal and Imperial Red The Vibrant Philodendrons?

Water the plants when the top inch of soil feels dry, but avoid overwatering as it can lead to root rot.

Are Moonlight Black Cardinal and Imperial Red The Vibrant Philodendrons safe for pets?

No, philodendrons are toxic to cats, dogs, and other pets. Keep them out of reach.

What is the size of the Moonlight Black Cardinal and Imperial Red The Vibrant Philodendrons?

The Moonlight Black Cardinal and Imperial Red The Vibrant Philodendrons are approximately 2-3 feet tall.

Do the Moonlight Black Cardinal and Imperial Red The Vibrant Philodendrons come with a pot?

No, the Moonlight Black Cardinal and Imperial Red The Vibrant Philodendrons do not come with a pot.